Apr 25, 2021
'I thought I would take you through how I make baby food for my 6 month old. He has been eating solids since he was 4 months so he has tried quite a few different foods by now and we\'re working on increasing the textures of his purees. This week: Blueberry Oatmeal Sweet Potato Congee Prawn Curry Chicken & Veges Congee Recipe: https://rasamalaysia.com/deluxe-baby-porridge/ Freezer Tray: https://www.amazon.com.au/Nuk-Food-Cube-Tray-d/dp/B004EWG9D2/ref=sr_1_14?dchild=1&keywords=nuk+freezer+tray&qid=1604117191&s=baby-products&sr=1-14'
Tags: baby puree recipes , 6 month baby recipes , baby food prep , baby puree prep
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